Talent Tuesday: Intellection

What do we mean by Intellection?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “You like to think. You like mental activity. You like exercising the “muscles” of your brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, you may be trying to solve a problem or develop an idea or understand another person’s feelings. The exact focus will depend on your other strengths. On the other hand, this mental activity may very …

Talent Tuesday: Input

What do we mean by Input?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “You are inquisitive. You collect things. You might collect information — words, facts, books, and quotations — or you might collect tangible objects such as butterflies, baseball cards, porcelain dolls, or sepia photographs. Whatever you collect, you collect it because it interests you. And yours is the kind of mind that finds so many things interesting. The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety …

Talent Tuesday: Individualization

What do we mean by Individualization?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “Your Individualization theme leads you to be intrigued by the unique qualities of each person. You are impatient with generalizations or “types” because you don’t want to obscure what is special and distinct about each person. Instead, you focus on the differences between individuals. You instinctively observe each person’s style, each person’s motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. You hear the one-of-a-kind stories …

Talent Tuesday: Includer

What do we mean by Includer?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “‘Stretch the circle wider.’ This is the philosophy around which you orient your life. You want to include people and make them feel part of the group. In direct contrast to those who are drawn only to exclusive groups, you actively avoid those groups that exclude others. You want to expand the group so that as many people as possible can benefit from its support. You …

Talent Tuesday: Ideation

What do we mean by Ideation?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “You are fascinated by ideas. What is an idea? An idea is a concept, the best explanation of the most events. You are delighted when you discover beneath the complex surface an elegantly simple concept to explain why things are the way they are. An idea is a connection. Yours is the kind of mind that is always looking for connections, and so you are intrigued …

Talent Tuesday: Harmony

What do we mean by Harmony?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “You look for areas of agreement. In your view there is little to be gained from conflict and friction, so you seek to hold them to a minimum. When you know that the people around you hold differing views, you try to find the common ground. You try to steer them away from confrontation and toward harmony. In fact, harmony is one of your guiding values. …

Talent Tuesday: Futuristic

What do we mean by Futuristic?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “‘Wouldn’t it be great if…’ You are the kind of person who loves to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you. As if it were projected on the wall, you see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow. While the exact content of the picture will depend on your other strengths and interests — a …

Talent Tuesday: Focus

What do we mean by Focus?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “‘Where am I headed?’ you ask yourself. You ask this question every day. Guided by this theme of Focus, you need a clear destination. Lacking one, your life and your work can quickly become frustrating. And so each year, each month, and even each week you set goals. These goals then serve as your compass, helping you determine priorities and make the necessary corrections to get …

Talent Tuesday: Empathy

What do we mean by Empathy?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “You can sense the emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings are your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective. You do not necessarily agree with each person’s perspective. You do not necessarily feel pity for each person’s predicament — this would be sympathy, not Empathy. You do …

Talent Tuesday: Discipline

What do we mean by Discipline?  The Clifton StrengthsFinder results describe this talent theme as follows; “Your world needs to be predictable. It needs to be ordered and planned. So you instinctively impose structure on your world. You set up routines. You focus on timelines and deadlines. You break long-term projects into a series of specific short-term plans, and you work through each plan diligently. You are not necessarily neat and clean, but you do need precision. Faced with the inherent messiness …