The HIRE Education Program is a customized career development plan that helps you develop job-search skills during your Bentley years – and at every stage of your career. HIRE Education encompasses the hundreds of programs that the Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center offers to help students develop the skills and contacts that pave the way for professional success. Our customized, four-year career development plan is designed to help you during every phase of your Bentley career to prepare for professional success.
How HIRE Education Works
HIRE Education has four key stages: Explore, Experiment, Experience, and Excel. Each one ties directly to a year in school. You can also engage at different times, or revisit certain parts of the program when you wish. The goal is for you to acquire lifelong professional development skills.
All stages of HIRE Education develop the core aspects of your job search strategy: creating a resume, conducting informational interviews, networking, developing an “elevator pitch,” practicing interviews, and more. Each stage also includes specific focus on particular areas:
First Year: Explore
Internship and job preparation starts during your first year with the Career Development Introduction Seminar (CDI 101) that lays the groundwork for your career development. You will begin to develop an understanding of your strengths, interests, and abilities, develop your career development toolkit, and discover possible paths you might want to pursue. The Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center staff will work closely with you in the classroom as you begin your exploration.
Sophomore Year: Experiment
Building on the foundation of CDI 101, you will start to narrow and define major and career objectives by taking CDI 201 Job Search Readiness course, joining Career Communities on CareerEdge and attending Community programs events, working with Career Colleagues and a dedicated Sophomore career coach, networking, attending informational interviews, and taking on starter internships. You’ll also work closely with Career Colleagues and our dedicated Sophomore career coach to discuss your major choice and potential internships and begin honing and focusing your résumé, highlighting your involvement with clubs, organizations and other activities, and start to take advantage of on-campus interviews and Bentley Career Fair to find more relevant internships that will develop your experience and further you on your career path.
Junior Year: Experience
This is the time to apply the knowledge you’ve learned in the classroom to the workplace. By now, you have had exposure to our corporate partners and worked on multiple projects that will prepare you for professional success. Now that you have declared your major, you can take your advanced major related CDI 301 course and will work directly with a dedicated major career coach who will support your career exploration and encourage you to seek advanced internships. With continued involvement and participation in Career Communities and advanced specialized career education programs, you will revise and confirm your career goals, advance your résumé and take advantage of on-campus interviews and Bentley career fairs to find more relevant internships or jobs that will develop your experience and further you on your career path. Advanced career tool development programs and site visits will also be on the docket this year.
Senior Year: Excel
You’ve worked hard during your time at Bentley to position yourself for career success. Now it’s time to excel by leveraging your education, experiences and activities: building professional relationships; landing a full-time position; and successfully transitioning to the workplace. The Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center staff will work closely with you every step of the way to hone your workplace readiness skills and prepare you for lifelong professional success. Be sure to attend your Major Kick-off program in the fall, participate in On Campus Recruiting and Mock Interview nights, attend your Career Community Networking nights and programs, and Career Fairs, continue to work closely with your dedicated major career coach.
Resources for a Lifetime
The Pulsifer Alumni Career Development Center will continue to provide you with valuable resources after you leave Bentley. With coaching, resources, workshops, newsletters and networking opportunities, you will continue to receive a great deal of support during your career transition as an alumnus/a of Bentley University.