DEI on the RISE Scholarship – Applications open 1/15 – 2/28!

Insurance Cares is once again offering the DEI On the RISE scholarship, providing a valuable opportunity for juniors and seniors in good academic standing. This scholarship is designed for individuals who aspire to pursue a career in the insurance industry and identify as diverse, encompassing groups such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, neurodivergent, and other underrepresented communities. 

The DEI On the RISE scholarship aims to break barriers by supporting rising diverse talent with the necessary funds, tools, and mentorship to become the future leaders in the insurance field. We understand the importance of representation and believe that individuals from all walks of life bring unique perspectives to our organizations. 

Key features of the scholarship include: 

  1. Financial Support: Scholarship funds can be utilized for all higher education needs, including but not limited to books and day-to-day financial requirements. Unlike traditional scholarships, our support is not limited to tuition expenses. 
  2. Mentorship: Each scholarship recipient will be paired with a mentor who will provide guidance and support throughout their academic and professional journey. 
  3. Industry Access: Recipients will gain exclusive access to the insurance community through networking opportunities, paid internship placements within the industry, attendance at industry events, and the chance to learn the fundamentals of insurance. 

The application period for the Summer 2024 disbursement is open from January 15 to February 28.  

You can visit for more information about the scholarship, view last year’s recipients, or fill out an application. More information can be found in the flyer below.

By Melissa J. Sawyer
Melissa J. Sawyer Senior Associate Director/Operations Manager, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center