As summer is around the corner, many things can stress us out. While the first thing on people’s minds can be finals, for other students, it’s the fact that the semester is almost over, and they still haven’t secured an internship. For some, the right opportunity has yet to come up, they have yet to have time to plan their summer, or some have waited until the last minute. Still, there are ways to get around this and secure an internship well into the final weeks of the semester! Here are a couple of things that can help you in your search.
Campus Resources
You’d be surprised by the number of opportunities you have at your disposal on campus grounds alone! First, contact the Career Services office to discuss what you are looking for and how to secure an internship; they’ll gladly help you out. If you want to meet with career coaches that are specific to your major, you can make an appointment with them or attend career colleague drop-ins. You can also read about how to make an appointment with a career advisor here! It doesn’t have to end there, though: you can reach out to other students, alums, faculty, or professors and find possible internships through them! It’s why networking is so influential in the job search.
Stay on the Lookout!
More than ever, it will be crucial for you to keep up with different companies’ internship opportunities and deadlines. As such, you will be doing a lot of research if you want an internship for the summer at the last minute. Whether looking for positions on LinkedIn, Handshake, or other resources or reaching out to companies you’re interested in, there needs to be a lot of discipline on your part if you want to get an internship within this kind of time constraint.
Don’t Underestimate Small Businesses
Small businesses need help as well! Interning at a small company is just as beneficial as doing so for a larger company, and you’ll still be able to gain experience. Besides, suppose you’re qualified and demonstrate interest and enthusiasm. In that case, getting an internship in a shorter time will be much easier than in a company with higher demand.
Consider Alternatives
If all else fails, there are different ways to use your summer wisely that will also look good on a resumé. For example, you can volunteer, freelance, start a business, or even take summer courses to advance your schoolwork. These activities can give you incredible experiences and allow you to step aside from schoolwork. Internship or not, you are bound to have a productive summer regardless.