How to Prepare for an Interview

With fall finally being here, so is fall recruitment season! Lots of interviews are happening and it’s important to put your best foot forward during your interview. How can you do that? Making sure you prepare. Keep on reading to learn how to ace your next interview. 

Research the company

Knowing specifics about the company and what they do will help you stand out amongst other applicants. When looking up the company, try to find talking points that can start a conversation. For instance, say you are passionate about donating to a certain charity and the company also donates to that charity. Mention that! Or maybe you really like what employees say about the company culture. You can talk about how company culture is important to you, so seeing that employees enjoy the work atmosphere is a great sign.

Practice Makes Perfect 

Before your interview, you should always practice. Practice the basic questions that you know the interviewer will ask you. For example, practice your answer to “tell me about yourself.” 

Make a list of your strengths, your past experiences, and other aspects of yourself you want to feature. 

Ask a roommate, parent, or sibling to do a mock interview so that you can also get feedback on your answers. The more prepared you are, the better! 

Check out this awesome resource we have for interview practice here. Big Interview allows you to practice typical interview questions, and it will give you feedback to make you extra prepared for your next interview

Know What Questions to Ask 

Arguably, the most important part of an interview is when it flips to you to ask questions. This is your chance to show that you took this interview seriously and are looking for the next steps. Make sure you know what questions you want to ask the interviewer. Ask questions about professional development, company culture, and the next steps. You can learn more about what questions to ask in our other blog here

Overall, interviews can be stressful. However, if you do the above steps before your next interview, you will enter the zoom room or conference room with loads of confidence! 

We have lots of other resources to help you out on your next interview, check this one out here

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By Madelyn Weiss
Madelyn Weiss Creative Blog Curator