Questions You Should Ask During Your Next Interview

Do you have any questions for me?” At the end of an interview, this question is always asked. The easy route to this awkward question is to say “Nope! I am all set.” This won’t help you make a lasting impression, though. This question is your moment in an interview to shine and stand out from other applicants. Instead of taking the easy route, say, “Actually, I do have a few questions to ask you.”  

What should you ask? It is important to know if the company invests in professional development. Company culture is important, and so is the atmosphere you will be working in. You are going to want to leave the interview knowing if you would enjoy working at the company. Also, the worst feeling when leaving an interview is not knowing when you are going to hear back, so ask a question about this as well. Keep on reading to perfect your answer.  

Professional Development Questions  

In each interview, you should see the job as an advancement in your career. How will this job let you reach your fullest potential? What opportunities will you be able to take advantage of to move up the professional ladder? You should never feel stuck in a position and knowing if the company you are interviewing for allows for mobility is a great indicator of this.  

Here are some example questions you can ask about professional development:  

With people who have had this position in the past, where are they now?  

Does the company invest in professional development opportunities for employees?  

What opportunities would this role entail that would enhance the skills I already have?  

These are just some examples but asking about professional development shows that you are eager to learn and to develop which is a great quality to have as a candidate.  

Company Culture Questions 

The last thing you want is to accept a job and realize that you do not like your team, or that the culture of the company does not fit your work style. To prevent this from happening, ask questions about company culture.  

Here are some questions that will help you get an insight into what the company culture is like:  

What is the team dynamic like?  

What does work-life balance look like at your company?  

How do employees uphold the company’s values every day at work?  

These questions will help you see if you share similar values with the company and help you decide if you would be happy working there.  

Next Step Questions  

Making sure that the interviewer has no doubts about you is important. You want to make sure that the interviewer isn’t left wondering about anything and that you aren’t either. 

Some questions that you can ask to fill this void are:  

Do you have any doubts about my abilities that I can help clarify?  

Can I answer any final questions for you?  

What will the next steps of the interview process look like?  

These questions will show your interviewer that you are serious about the job and are ready to move forward.  

Asking the interviewer questions is intimidating. However, when you ask questions, it gives you a better insight into what working for the company would be like. It also shows the interviewer that you are highly interested in working for them. If you tailor the above questions for your next interview you will leave an amazing lasting impression!  

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By Madelyn Weiss
Madelyn Weiss Creative Blog Curator