College to Climate Virtual Career Fair! April 4

Are you a current undergraduate, graduate student, or recent graduate passionate about fighting climate change? Come hear pitches and have the opportunity to ask questions to representatives from a range of Startups, Corporates, Non-Profits, and Research Institutes.

Come meet these companies who are hiring for intern / entry level positions and learn more about them and what they are looking for to fill their open roles! If you are sick of mind-numbing job boards, come meet employers face to face whose missions align with yours.


​3:30 PM – 3:40 pm: College to Climate Introduction and Welcome

​3:40 – 4:20 pm: Quick Company Overviews for Select Companies (~3 minutes each)

​4:20 – 6:00 pm: Open Browsing for Students / Recent Grads across Breakout Rooms for Each Company


​ Date: Thursday April 4th
 Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
 Location: Zoom see Handshake

About College to Climate:
We are an organization run by current students and recent graduates focused on helping other students and recent graduates build their careers within Climate. We run a Slack Community of ~875 students and recent graduates from over 240 Universities around the world! Join here !

We also host events at campuses around the U.S. and are hosting an In-Person Symposium in Boston on April 13th!

By Lisa Dinsmore
Lisa Dinsmore Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development Center, Pulsifer Career Development Center