Practice your Interview Skills and earn a chance to win a Bentley sweatshirt and other fabulous prizes!
When you get selected to enter the “big dance” of the interview process with your favorite employer, you want to be sure you are well prepared to perform at your best! For the end of March, the Pulsifer Career Development Center will provide you with a little extra incentive to practice some of the most common interview questions. To enter our “Mock Madness” contest, students will complete a 5-question mock interview assignment via Big Interview. Students who receive gold badges in the AI Feedback on at least 3 of the 5 questions will be entered in a drawing to win a Bentley sweatshirt and other fabulous prizes.
Contest will run between March 19 – March 29 2024. Questions will give you the opportunity to practice introducing yourself, and speaking about some common skills required for most entry level jobs.
Open to current Bentley students only. See contest rules below. Any questions can be referred directly to Lisa Dinsmore (
Contest Instructions
- Register or login to Big Interview using your Bentley email address and the Organization Code: 1917
- Click “Interview” in the top tool bar and select “Interview Assignments”
- Enter Assignment code F1620B
- Make sure the AI function is turned on in your settings
- Once you have completed all 5 questions you may submit the assignment. Once your assignment is submitted, you can review the scores that the AI gave you.
- All completed assignments submitted by 3/29 at 11:59PM containing at least 3 GOLD scores will be entered into a drawing to win a Bentley sweatshirt and other swag!
Before completing your assignment, check out some of the helpful video curriculums provided by Big Interview!
Click Interview> Learn> Interview Curriculum >Fast Track. You will find a lot of great information here! Scroll down the page and choose “Acing Common Questions” to learn about the strategies of nailing some of your most common interview questions. Then, go to the “Questions Library” and choose “By competency” to see how interviewers might ask you about skills critical to success in the job. There is a wealth of content here to help you prep when your career coach is not available (like late nights and weekends!)
Like more of a textbook approach? Refer to the Interview section of our PCDC Handout Guide to give you great tips of how to approach common interview questions!