How to Tackle a Slow Hiring Season

Winter is a confusing and slow time to apply for jobs. And as a college student, it might be even more stressful to experience a slow hiring season because you might not know what to expect. In the meantime, however, there are several ways to tackle this slow hiring season to turn out victorious and ensure your progress isn’t slowing down. 

Apply, Apply, Apply!

Just because hiring is slower doesn’t mean it isn’t happening! Take as many chances as possible and search for as many companies to apply as possible. And if there are companies you like that aren’t hiring roles you are fit for, submit your resume anyway and see what happens. Slow seasons are also pretty experimental, so you should try being experimental with your approach as well.

Be Patient

The holiday season is a hectic time, as the year wraps up and people take time off to celebrate with their families. As such, if you have yet to hear from a company you like or are waiting on an interview or callback, remember that it is most likely because recruiters might be on break, so keep your head up high!

Enhance Your Skills

Getting little to no action during a slow hiring season doesn’t mean you should slow down your personal growth or self-improvement. During a lack of interviewing or cover letter writing, you can take the time to improve your skills or pick up new ones on the way. Whether it’s a self-taught endeavor or a LinkedIn learning course spree, feel free to experiment and explore different hobbies and interests that can improve your resume.

Update Your Resume, LinkedIn, etc.

Making sure your information is up-to-date should always be a priority, but in the case of it being a slow hiring season, it gives you more time to prioritize your wording, formatting, or any other details that need tweaking.

Consider Seasonal Work

Just like this can be a time to enhance your skills, it can also be a time to expand your job history. Whether you choose to take on a seasonal job, volunteer, or internship, these opportunities can all increase your work experience and give you experiences and resources that can shape your career.

A slow hiring season is not the end of the world. However, it is more time to expand your skills, experience, and attitude that can help prepare you for the job opportunities you deserve. 

By Isabella Ampié
Isabella Ampié