In case you didn’t know, one of the many resources that CareerEdge offers are the Vault Guides. To put what they do simply, Vault looks at thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of companies, employers, and ranks them and the job/internship positions they offer on a variety of categories, such as industry trends and general statistics. These rankings, as well as interesting metrics to look out for in different fields, are compiled into an internship report. And just last week, their internship rankings for 2024 went live! Here are some interesting statistics from 2023 in this report:
- In 2023, 91% of internships were either hybrid or in-person, with
- The average runtime for an internship is 2 to 3 months, similarly to the results seen in 2022. 44% of internships usually run around the course of 10-12 weeks.
- Uncertainty about getting job offers has increased since 2022, with nearly 50% expecting an offer, 45% were uncertain, and 5% did not get one post-internship.
- Career Advancement in the desired field(s) remains the top reason people choose internships, with Pay and Company Culture following suit.
The full report can be viewed using this link. For previous years, specific industries, and more interesting internship-based content, you can head to their website. Not only does the report offer statistics you should keep an eye out for, like the information shared above, but it also shows the best companies you can intern from as voted by over 13,000 interns! Good Luck!