Happy Halloween! To avoid getting spooked, we thought we’d cover different common mistakes students make concerning job searches that will most likely frighten employers. So, if you want to avoid getting ghosted and tricked this hiring season, here are some brief tips that will make you get a bunch of career development treats!
– Setting unrealistic expectations about a job or work-life balance
– Not researching about the company, position, or environment before an interview
– Not updating your LinkedIn with work experiences or posting inappropriate or offensive content on social media
– Sending the same resume and cover letter to every single company you apply to
– Not keeping up with employers or company events after networking
– Being impatient and expecting a quick response from a company
– Underestimating your experiences and skills because you think they don’t contribute to your resume
– Ignoring small businesses or companies you might not have heard of
– Applying for fake positions or companies without verifying they are legit
– Excluding volunteering, remote work, or freelance from your resume
– Focusing on applying to a set number of companies instead of actively using as many opportunities as you may deem opportunistic
– Not asking for feedback!
Remember, people make mistakes all the time. So, you are not doomed for failure if you have ever done any of these. However, recognize where you might be making mistakes and strive to fix them.