Introverted? Here´s How You Can Still Network

If you are introverted, chances are you believe your networking skills are automatically inferior to extroverts because social interaction is a big part of making meaningful connections. This idea is a big misconception, though! Introverted or extroverted, there are so many ways you can branch out to employers and companies without exhausting your social battery. So, if you are more timid, here are some ways to network as an introvert!

Embrace Your Introversion

Being an introvert does not have to be a red flag or a flaw; instead, it is your preference for socializing and leniency to your thoughts. And because we are all unique, employers are not expecting you to be a vocal person who is always talking to other people (unless you want to, of course.) So network how you please! For some people, they are better communicators face to face, some are better at expressing their ideas on social media, and so on. Finding your networking style and embracing the fact that you tend to be more reserved can be the first step to making even better connections than you would if you tried to be someone you are not.

Recharge Your Social Battery

It is exhausting to socialize no matter the event, so that can be even more tiring in networking situations like Career Fairs or interviews. Always take breaks when you network if a crowd feels overwhelming or you can only socialize up to what you have. Taking breaks is not a sign of weakness or laziness; instead, it is recognizing you have worked to the best of your abilities and need to recharge to improve performance.

Find Your Networking Style

For most people, career fairs and reaching out in person do the trick. For others, emails and reaching out through sites like LinkedIn work better. Sometimes, networking works best through family or friends. Whatever your networking style is, the one you think has worked the best for you is the style you should stick with! Because people have different preferences, there is no right or wrong way to approach others, so roll with your style!


Like everything in life, practice makes perfect. The same can easily be said about your networking skills. You should consistently practice elements like your way of communication, handshake, elevator pitch, and other fundamental skills that can allow you to make a sustainable network. Practicing will allow you to build up your confidence and avoid any awkward encounters you would have if you didn’t practice beforehand. If you do not know how to practice, talk to a friend or a career coach, and they can guide you further.

Prioritize Listening

A good listener will always go far in life. As such, if you practice this skill consistently, that will be as effective in the job search as you talking and opening up to an employer. Listening will allow you to get good details on events, and when prompted, you can recall details previously discussed and impress your employer as much. So, if you are a better listener than a talker, take advantage of it!

By Isabella Ampié
Isabella Ampié