Paramount Summer Internships are Live!

Paramount is thrilled to announce the launch of their highly anticipated summer internship program. With an impressive array of over 300 internships, they are eager to welcome ambitious and talented students who are ready to dive into the world of entertainment.

To ensure that your application stands out, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select “Professional Organization” as your source for finding this job opportunity and list “Center for Communication” when asked for details

  2. Email us your resume to and let us know what position(s) you applied for

  3. We’ll notify our partners at Paramount so your application can receive priority consideration!

What to learn more about Paramount? Join them on November 2 from 5-6pm EST for a virtual Information Session! Register here for this exclusive event, open only to students!

Click here for more information.

By Paul Stanish
Paul Stanish Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center