How to Balance an Internship with College Classes

For many college students, there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish tasks like academics and extracurriculars. So, the thought of having an internship in the middle of a school semester can seem like a daunting addition to a hectic schedule. However, an internship in the fall or spring is a great way to develop a productive school-workplace balance and another great inclusion to your resume! But if you still need to decide whether to go for it, here are some ways to make an internship during classes work.

Choose an Internship that Suits YOU!

Applying to internships usually focuses on you being the standout candidate, but are the companies you applied for serving you benefits as well? When picking out an internship for the fall or spring, you have to look at companies that will be convenient in allowing you to work while taking college classes. For example, a remote internship you can work on-campus might serve you much better than one where you must commute 45 minutes to and back to get there. Look for positions that are flexible time-wise as well. Since you will deal with multiple commitments, setting realistic goals and understanding your capabilities is crucial before getting a mid-semester internship. 

Plan Ahead

Look at your classes and your internship. What do you want to achieve in the next couple of months? Setting goals for both modalities will give you a clear vision of what you want from each and help you stay organized and focused on tasks. Though it seems like a frequent reminder, setting a schedule where you spread time evenly to work on your classes and an internship is essential. If you believe your course load will keep you occupied for hours, rethink your options.


Whether you feel overwhelmed in your classes, internship, or work, many people will listen to you and help you organize your time and assignments. If you believe your internship is taking up more than required, talk to your supervisor to rearrange your schedule or move your deadlines. If you are still determining how heavy your classes can be, speak to your academic advisor or professors to see how to stay on track and give your internship time. It will likely not get to this level, but they are great people to contact if you are too busy or need breaks. Employers also appreciate honesty rather than overcompensating for heavy work.

Give Yourself Breaks

Taking breaks is as important as your work, so make sure to give yourself some rest in between! Usually, methods like Pomodoro are a great way to stay focused and take breaks between work. You can also give yourself an hour of rest for every two hours you work. Working too long will eventually depreciate your task performance, so it is often best to take breaks when you feel tired before continuing and turning in something you are not proud of.

All in all, internships during the school year sound intimidating and time-consuming. But if it was impossible, would students continue to look into it as an option? There are multiple benefits to getting an internship in the fall or spring, so if you have time and find the right company, you can get it done!

By Isabella Ampié
Isabella Ampié