How to Make the Most of Your Summer Job

The summer is an excellent time for working. You’re out of classes, and you have more free time that will allow you to focus on career ventures. But instead of thinking about how beneficial a summer job will be for your resume, have you ever thought about how it’d benefit you? Summer jobs can help you gain valuable work experience and new skills, so taking advantage of these opportunities is necessary. So, before you start your summer job, here are some things to take note of that will allow you to make the most out of your experience!

Set Goals for Yourself

Before you start your job, think to yourself: What exactly do you want to achieve? For example, you can learn a new skill, network with coworkers, or get the chance to participate in an event or project the company works on. Whatever it is, take note of these goals and plan to achieve them. These also don’t have to only consist of long-term goals; you can set daily, weekly, or quarterly goals too! Setting goals for yourself will clarify your progress and be a good refresher on your skill set.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Similarly to the previous point, note what you accomplish during your job. Not only will these serve as good pointers to add to your corporate skill set, but it’s going to keep you motivated to pursue your goals and continue working. You can also use these for resume building and good insights for job interviews!

Be Alert and Awake

Showing your employer that you are willing to lend a hand is a great, long-lasting impression. Make sure to help people if they need an extra hand, ask questions about your position or other aspects of the workplace, network with your colleagues when you can, and be an active establishment member. This will show enthusiasm on your part and allow you to improve in various areas.

Get Feedback from Anyone

Asking others in the workplace for feedback is a great way to keep yourself on track and recognize your current strengths and weaknesses. Asking for feedback also shows you are willing to learn from mistakes and take the initiative in correcting these issues. You can ask anyone for feedback on how well you’ve performed, but your supervisor is probably the best bet to see how you’ve done.

By Isabella Ampié
Isabella Ampié