How to Use Vmock’s New SMART Editor

Looking to improve your resume? VMcok can help. The Pulsifer Career Development Center is excited to announce the launch of the new VMock SMART Editor. This new update includes instant score improvement, live feedback, the ability to download your resume in PDF or Word format, and so much more!

One of the best features of VMock is the live feedback that is provided. The system feedback has three main modules: impact, presentation, and competencies. When using VMock, you will get feedback based on these elements and see suggestions for improvement. 

Once you make the edits that VMock suggests, you can re-enter your resume into the system. You get a total of ten attempts in VMock per semester so make sure and use them wisely! You can re-upload your edited resume to increase your score and for further improvement until you are happy with the results. 

On average, an employer only looks at an applicant’s resume for six to seven seconds. As a result, you are going to want to make sure yours is perfect. Thanks to VMock’s SMART Editor, this is now a reality for all Bentley students. Therefore, you should put your resume through VMock and have your resume stand out amongst other applicants! 

Login here to get started. 

By Madelyn Weiss
Madelyn Weiss Creative Blog Curator