Massachusetts Non-profit Network Volunteer Opportunity

Each year, MNM  hosts its an annual conference centered around nonprofits organization where over 650 nonprofit and business leaders gather to learn, share and network.  This year MNN will be hosting its 15th annual MNN Conference at the DCU Center in Worcester on Wednesday, October 19th.

This years’ event consist of a keynote speaker, Katelyn Flint from NBC10 Boston, as well some of the recent MNN award winners, who will discuss their challenges, successes, and visions for the future of the sector. Following that there  will be a variety of workshops covering issues relevant to nonprofits, as well as new Expert Roundtables, where presenters can share their expertise in an interactive, small-group format.

MNM is seeking Bentley students to volunteer at their annual conference this year; a great opportunity for those interested in nonprofit work to network  and learn more about the nonprofit organizations/programs in the state.

Volunteers will be in charge of helping with set up, registering attendees, assisting workshop presenters as well as other various task.

Detailed information on this volunteer opportunity can be found in the flyer.

By Mirabelle Jean Louis
Mirabelle Jean Louis Structured Content Creator