Management Majors: Manage Yourself Up Into a New Internship or Career

Whether you’re in class, at your internship, or at your job, you have a manager. In your next (or first) internship search or your full-time job search, you are the CEO and manager of your search. If you’re not getting the responses you want in your search, what can you do differently? How can you adapt to employers who are currently seeking applicants for your dream job?

Manage yourself up into the internship or full-time role that you want by asking:

  1. How can I make it easier for employers to see and know me?
  2. What questions can I ask now to understand employer expectations for my future applications?
  3. How should I update recruiters with new information/achievements (i.e. awards, experiences, relevant coursework/projects) to keep them in the loop?
  4. How can I be proactive in my search?
  5. What mistakes or missteps do I need to own in my career/academic journey? (And, how will I frame those missteps in the story I tell prospective employers?)
  6. How can I seek solutions instead of identifying problems?
  7. How can I make effective requests of employers?

It’s okay if you don’t have answers to every question listed. Seek out resources, talk to mentors, get guidance from professors and other professionals in your desired field. Be sure to connect with Bentley alumni and stop by the Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center, located in LaCava 225 for more information.

By Neena Fink
Neena Fink Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Center