Management Majors Master the Meet-Up

Did you know that the top 3 ways for landing a job as a Bentley Management major are through personal networking (42%), an internship to full-time offer (14%), and career fair (17%)? This means that as a Management Major, you will find that mastering the virtual or in-person meet-up will help you on the path to securing your next internship or full-time employment.

Here are 2 simple action steps to change your mindset and focus your efforts:

  1. You don’t have to be the most interesting person in the room, but you do have to be the most interested person. Check out this quick 3-minute video, Being Interested versus Interesting, from LinkedIn Learning and learn how to be the most interested person in an informational interview, career, or internship fair.
  2. Message Bentley Alumni on LinkedIn. Did you know that there are nearly 60,000 Bentley Alumni on LinkedIn? And it is so easy to find them. Here’s what you can do:
    • Go to LinkedIn and search Bentley University in the search bar
    • Click on the words Bentley University
    • Click on Alumni
    • You can then narrow your search by where alumni work, where they live or type a title, company, or keyword into the search bar
    • Personalize your message on LinkedIn and ask if they would be willing to meet for a 15–20-minute chat
    • Come prepared with questions such as:
      • Can you tell me a little about how you spend your time?
      • How did you get into this organization (or position)?
      • What is a challenge facing your industry?
      • What advice would you have for me if I wanted to work in this type of role (or in this organization)?
      • Do you know anyone else I might talk to?
    • Track who you talk with, when, and what you talk about
    • Follow-up as needed

Looking for more tips on making intentional connections? Join us for How to Work a Virtual Career Fair: Preparing for Bentley’s Spring 2022 Virtual Career Fair in Handshake, Monday, February 7, 2022, from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Questions for alumni courtesy of Career Coach, Jean Papalia.


By Neena Fink
Neena Fink Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Center