What do TikTok, State Farm, McDonald’s, Adobe and the Lincoln Project have in Common? Read below to find out.

As many of you know one of my favorite marketing publications is AdAge.  It is a trendy, informative and comprehensive marketing industry media outlet.  One of the many great features of AdAge are their many lists of rankings they produce each year.  This week, AdAge just released their list of Top 10 Marketers in 2020.  You will see there are a variety of brands, industries and companies listed, which also crosses multiple generations and demographics of consumers.  Some of the companies are well known and others not so much.  And for those of you interested in learning about best practices in the industry, it is worth reading how each of these companies achieved their top 10 status.

To see the list click here.

By Paul Stanish
Paul Stanish Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center