LinkedIn 101

LinkedIn is your professional platform to shine. Other than your resume and cover letter, this is a way to showcase your professional pursuits and accomplishments. It is important to keep it clean, updated, and interesting! Think of it as your way to leverage connections, build a network, and define your credibility.

Here are some tips and tricks to make your LinkedIn top notch:

  • Take your time writing your summary; it should be an enjoyable read
  • Add some interesting details about your business courses and internships and how you developed and strengthened your skills
  • Your summary should have around two to three paragraphs, similar to a cover letterInclude your future career goals and how you are building toward that career goal and developing the skills that align with future internships, or full-time roles
  • LinkedIn is about connecting with professionals, not like Facebook that shares more in-depth personal details; therefore, keep a professional tone and share information only about your internship experiences, campus involvement , coursework, and strengths
  • Share your summary with a family member; they know you well and might suggest additional information about an accomplishment that you may have overlooked
By Yasmeen Alwani
Yasmeen Alwani CareerEdge Content Creator