Career Checklist: Winter Break Edition

Winter break is one of the best times of the year. You get to spend time with friends and family while taking a quick break from the hustle of college classes. These few weeks are the perfect reset to get you thinking about your career and taking a few items of the checklist. Here are a few things to consider while you have some downtime this break and want to accelerate your professional development!

  • Network!

Message people on LinkedIn and set up a few phone calls or informational interviews. Networking is always helpful to get more insight on a particular career path or broaden your connections.

  • Update your Resume and/or LinkedIn

It’s always a good time to sit down and think about a few more accomplishments you achieved in the past few months and make sure it is reflected on your resume. The same goes for LinkedIn – if you haven’t had a post sent in a while be sure to send one out that is relevant to your interests or professional pursuits.

  • Make a List of Career Goals

This is your perfect chance to be reflective with your professional endeavors. Take a moment to sit down and write out 3 – 5 goals you want to accomplish next year and how you can actionably achieve them. It’s important to be reflective and proactive with your career.

  • Send a Happy Holidays / New Year Email to Your Network

It’s great to take a few minutes to send out a nice, warm email to others in your network. Like mentioned in previous posts, building and maintaining strong networks is about having a sincere relationship and rapport with the individual. Little things like this go a long way!

By Yasmeen Alwani
Yasmeen Alwani CareerEdge Content Creator