Set Yourself Apart, Teach Yourself New Skills

Imagine you are a hiring manager and deciding between two qualified candidates to fill one position for your company.  Each candidate is coming from the same university, studied in the same major and each has a similar GPA, between a 3.7 and 3.8.  Both candidates gained experience in the same internships and all things being equal had similar leadership experiences.  However, one of the candidates noted in their cover letter that they were a self-starter and taught themselves new skills to complement their classroom learning.  Upon learning this, the hiring manager’s decision became an easy one to make.  I think you get the picture.  So when considering how to set yourself apart from other candidates, think about taking initiative and learn a new skill as noted in this article from Vault.

By Paul Stanish
Paul Stanish Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center