Graduated and looking for a job? City Year is accepting applications NOW!

images (3)Graduated and looking for a job?

City Year is accepting applications NOW to fill our final spots in our 2014-2015 corps.  At City Year’s 25 urban locations across the United States, corps members serve full-time for 11 months, each providing more than 1,700 hours of service. Highly trained corps members serve in schools as tutors, mentors, role models. As a City Year corps member, you will help students stay on track and get back on track to graduate by helping them improve course performance, attendance and behavior. City Year provides real world experiences of incomparable value in terms of personal and professional development. 

Benefits Include:

–  $5,645 educational award for student loans or graduate study

–   Access to graduate school scholarships exclusively for City Year alumni

–   Bi-weekly living stipend

–   Federal loan forbearance

– Professional Development & Leadership Opportunities

Apply NOW at

Start Date – Late July/Early August

To state your location preference, e-mail after submitting your application.


For more information and to apply, visit or connect with us on YouTubeTwitter, and Facebook to see how you can #makebetterhappen.



Liz Barney

Regional Recruitment Manager | @LizRecruits


By Janet Kenney
Janet Kenney Assistant Director, Pulsifer Career Development Center, Employer Relations & Recruiting