Keep your global network strong! Connect to an exclusive online community of dynamic, intelligent and accomplished women from varying backgrounds and fields to enhance your business, career and personal success.
Over 100 Local and 1000 Virtual and In Person Events: Our networking community provides a personal forum for you to grow your career, promote your business, product or service, share ideas and expand your network. In person and virtual events allow you to learn from and share experiences with women around the world and your community who are recognized experts in their fields.
Over 1000 Job Postings: You’re Looking. They’re Hiring. It’s the Perfect Match! Our Career Center is more than a job board! Whether looking to advance to senior management, find a new job or making a career change, IAW’s award-winning, skills-matching technology, powered by Professional Diversity Network helps you achieve your goals. Our career counselors will even reach out to recruiters for you – that’s how much we believe in you!
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