Deadline Approaching: Global Insurance Symposium’s Student Case Study Competition

Don’t miss this great opportunity to gain some experience! Deadline is February 25, 2025

Competition details:

  • Global Insurance Symposium information: The Global Insurance Symposium offers an educational and networking opportunity for over 500 insurance and financial services company executives, national and international regulators, state and federal government representatives, entrepreneurs, and startup tech firms. Held in one of the leading global insurance hubs, Des Moines, Iowa, the Global Insurance Symposium is an opportunity for regulators, insurance professionals, and startups to discuss great content delivered by powerhouse speakers.
  • Competition information: The Student Case Study Competition, sponsored by Deloitte, is an opportunity for forward-thinking students to pitch their ideas and talents to top industry executives. The students will also be invited to attend exclusive networking events where they have access to top industry leaders. Students will compete in teams to create a case study that provides an answer to a hot topic in the insurance industry. A panel of judges will select three finalists who will compete on the Global Insurance Symposium stage. Symposium attendees will vote for a first, second, and third-place winner, and all three teams receive cash prizes. 
  • Deadline to enter the competition: Feb. 25, 2025, by 11:59 p.m.
  • Team size: Two to four students.
  • Eligibility: Must be in college, interested in the insurance industry, and looking for exclusive networking opportunities. The competition is open to all majors. Students from multiple schools can work together on the same team.  
  • Case study topic: It’s no secret that recent trends have provided the insurance industry with opportunities for immense growth in recent years. Your team’s goal is to form an answer to the following question: What trends present the greatest opportunities for growth in the insurance industry, and how can insurers effectively leverage these trends?
  • Example case studies

How to participate:

  1. Students will form a team of two to four like-minded students. 
  2. Students will create a presentation answering the question What trends present the greatest opportunities for growth in the insurance industry, and how can insurers effectively leverage these trends? and record their presentation.
  3. Students will submit their final case study video HERE by Feb. 25, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. for judging.
  4. A Global Insurance Symposium representative will be in touch with the judging results on or after March 7, 2024. 
  1. The top three teams chosen by judges will present their case studies on the Global Insurance Symposium stage in Des Moines, Iowa. Travel to Des Moines and accommodations will b provided. 
  2. Symposium attendees will vote for the best case presented, choosing a first, second, and third-place winner. 


  • Prize money
  • $1,500 will be awarded to the team with the most votes, $1,000 will be awarded to the first runner-up, and $750 will be awarded to the second runner-up.
  • Networking opportunities
  • The Global Insurance Symposium hosts over 500 insurance and financial service company executives, national and international regulators, state and federal government representatives, entrepreneurs, and tech startup firms, offering a unique opportunity for your students to meet professionals and make connections that can help propel their future careers. 
  • Resume builder
  • The Student Case Study Competition provides a unique opportunity for your students to solve a real-world problem facing the insurance industry, strengthening their critical thinking, teamwork, and presentation skills. By participating, students will gain valuable insights into the industry, a project to showcase to potential employers, and skills essential for their future careers. 
By Melissa J. Sawyer
Melissa J. Sawyer Senior Associate Director/Operations Manager, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center