The Lindsay Fellowship Program is named for Judge Reginald C. Lindsay, the second African American judge appointed in the District of Massachusetts who was strongly involved in student outreach. This program is modeled for current undergrads with ties to Massachusetts who have a strong interest in attending law school, with a specific focus on reaching first generation college students. Each Fellow is assigned to a judge during the first month of the program. During that first month the Fellows also have an intensive 40-hour legal research and writing course. During the second month of the program, each Fellow is assigned to either the United States Attorney’s Office, U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services, or the Federal Defender Program. Prior to the graduation of the summer fellowship, the Fellows compete in moot court before a federal judge. In addition, the Lindsay Fellows receive an educational stipend, and the Federal Bar Association provides an educational scholarship to each graduating Lindsay Fellow.
For more information, please find the Lindsay Fellowship webpage.