Company Visits to NYC! Success in the City (FINANCE track)

BROADWAY, TIMES SQUARE, SOHO, THE VILLAGE, TRIBECA…There’s no place like New York City!  But what’s it really like to work there? Undergraduate Career Development has organized a one-day “employer blitz” on January 15th 2025 for a select group of students.  Come learn about different career paths and network with Bentley alumni at some of the most prestigious firms in NYC.   

EMPLOYER VISITS INCLUDE: Jefferies, JP Morgan, and Alti Tiedemann Global 

Apply via Handshake by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2024.  

Click HERE or Jobs –> Search –> search “Success” –> Success in the City (FINANCE TRACK) January 15, 2025 

Participation is limited and competitive.  Selected students will be notified by Monday, December 2. 

$25 participation fee includes: Site to site transportation (this does NOT include transportation to and from NYC) and lunch.  Financial assistance is available upon request. 

By Lisa Dinsmore
Lisa Dinsmore Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development Center, Pulsifer Career Development Center