This is a friendly reminder that if you haven’t updated your primary resume in Handshake, YOU SHOULD, especially if you are applying for internships or full-time positions right now!
Employers have given us important feedback that students are using outdated resumes when applying to positions on Handshake which can compromise students’ ability to move forward in hiring processes.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: ALL past and current internship and job experiences, coursework/projects, and/or activities should be added to your resume BEFORE you apply to any position.
Additionally, you can have your resume reviewed anytime on VMock ( and you can have your resume reviewed by our team as well. Sophomores can go to Career Design Drop In’s anytime, Monday-Friday from 1-3 p.m. in LAC 225. Juniors and seniors can schedule appointments with their dedicated career coaches on Handshake ( or by contacting our office at
We hope you take some time NOW to make sure that your application materials are up to date and ready to go so you put yourself in the best position for recruiting, now and in the future!