Tackling job interviews can be tricky, and they’re even more challenging when an unexpectedly difficult question puts you on the spot, and you try to make sense of an answer. Usually, the most complicated questions you’ll hear come out of a recruiter are the ones where you’ll need to self-assess or prove to a company that you are an excellent fit for them. However, preparing some answers will also be crucial so these questions don’t keep you from interrupting your confidence. So, here are some of the most complicated interview questions and how to answer them!
“What is your greatest weakness?”
Employers love this question for several reasons, but primarily, it allows them to see if you’re self-aware and honest about things you need to improve on. However, if you turn to self-deprecation and dwell on your faults, the person interviewing you will have difficulty seeing you as a potential candidate. Therefore, the best way to approach this question is to pick a weakness truthfully that you know will not affect your performance in the role and discuss how you can improve with realistic action steps you are willing to take. Like any interview question, it is important to answer honestly. No interviewer will judge you for having weaknesses; they will judge you for failing to recognize and act upon them.
“What was a time when you failed at something, and how did you deal with it?”
Again, this question aims to show your human side and have you self-assess your work experiences. The wording on this question is tricky because the interviewer actually wants to know more about what you learned instead of what you failed at. Therefore, it’s vital to pick an event more like a moment of realization than a failure. It will also allow you to focus on how you fixed a situation instead of detailing what went wrong. Also, since recruiters want you to be transparent on this question, refrain from defending the failure and your side of the story and admit it was not the right course of action.
“Why should we hire you over other candidates?”
Again, the wording of this question could be more straightforward than it is. You are not supposed to boast or put other candidates down when answering. Instead, reemphasize your relevant experience and skills for the job and give relevant examples that highlight how you are a great fit. Also, focus on telling the employer you are a team player and always willing to gain new experiences and learn from others.
“How do you deal with stress in the workplace?”
Truth be told, employers don’t want to hear about how you take bubble baths or do an hour of yoga to destress; they want to hear about how stressful situations affect your behavior and, ultimately, your performance. Therefore, this question is also an excellent time to highlight your soft skills, such as adaptability, time management, etc. Start by recognizing that stress is an inevitable emotion in the workplace, but don’t make that the main point of your argument. Then, talk about how you cope with it soft skill-wise and even add an example that you believe is applicable.