5 Skills You Learn At School That Employers LOVE

Falcons take rigorous and academically challenging courses at Bentley and gain foundational knowledge within finance, accounting, marketing, and so many other fields. If you think about it, college is such a formative period of time in your life and truly a place where you can explore and deepen your passions. There are things that you learn simply from being a student and having all of the things going on that you do. You’re busy and you’re probably stressed sometimes with the amount of schoolwork you have on top of other responsibilities but being able to succeed despite the stress teaches you skills that are essential for any workplace. Let’s look at 5 skills that employers look for and how you already probably possess them simply by being a college student.

  1. Conflict Resolution
    1. Being on a college campus often means seeing so many other students, whether in your living space, friend group, or classes. You will probably have to mediate and fix your own conflicts as well as those of other people. These don’t have to be large arguments or conflicts, but you will likely run into disagreements or conflicts of interests and, unlike in high school where you were supervised by teachers, you will probably have to figure them out by yourself. Being able to respectfully handle conflicts is a skill you will undoubtedly need and one that employers look for!
  2. Research Skills
    1. No matter what job you’re looking for, it will probably require at least a limited amount of research at times. At Bentley, you were introduced to a lot of resources and methods of researching, no matter what classes you took. If you need any more help with learning how to research before you start your internship or full-time job, check out the Bentley Library site and definitely utilize the Research Help section!
  3. Organization
    1. Between keeping track of classes (and the assignments that come with them) and your other commitments, such as clubs since Falcons are so involved, you have to have some level of organization at school. Employers know this and are counting on you to be organized and responsible when you become an employee! No sweat though, you learned how to keep your files in order and how to manage your time during your college years!
  4. Communication
    1. Communication is a very important part of any role, as you will likely have to report to a supervisor or at least collaborate with coworkers. Not to worry, Bentley has prepared you for that with the many group projects you’ve probably had during your college career. Additionally, even if you hadn’t gone to Bentley, college gives you professional, academic, and social environments to practice good communication in many different settings.
  5. Problem-Solving
    1. Problems come up at work unexpectedly. Employers expect that you are flexible and creative when dealing with them and don’t just shut down. At school, there are definitely issues that you have had to deal with and fix. You may not have even thought about it through a problem-solving lens, but if you’ve ever double-booked yourself and then prioritized and fixed your mistake, you’ve solved a problem. That’s just one example, but there are many ways that you have practically applied solutions to real-world situations at school (and this is before even discussing educational problems you’ve solved in class)!

As you can see, being in college has already prepared you for your next internship or full-time job, so come back to this article anytime you feel unprepared for work or “the real world”! Additionally, read this awesome article to make yourself even more confident about your abilities (it gives you nine employer-loved skills you already have because you’re a Falcon)!


By Alina Minkova
Alina Minkova Creative Blog Curator