Have You Checked Out Diva Empowered Magazine?

Diva Empowered Magazine is a publication that “is an encouraging and emerging look at the professional women of color from their college classrooms to their professional career!”  The magazine is an informative and aspirational publication that offers a platform for women of color to share their stories related to each individual professional journey.   Articles feature topics in health, business/finance, fashion, community and more.  The writers chronicle the everyday lives of the featured women.  It is free to subscribe to and highly recommended.  You can find them on Twitter @DEMKayeLong and on Instagram @Dive Empowered Magazine.  This is definitely worth a look and it is encouraged to reach out to Kaye Long, the founder and primary publisher of the magazine.

Click here to check this out.


By Paul Stanish
Paul Stanish Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center