The Ultimate Guide to Acing Your Tech Interview!

To all Bentley students interested in the tech industry this is for you!

When seeking out a Tech job or internship you will have to go through a rigorous interview process that some may not be aware of. This is why you need to prepare and research prior to an interview but with the article from Learn to Code with Me, your life becomes a lot easier when preparing for an interview. In The Ultimate Guide to Acing your Technological Interview in 2021 you have all the knowledge you need to be the best interviewee. This article goes through what a tech interview is, what to expect at your interview, and how to prepare for it to be able to excel.

So if you are looking into the tech industry and have no clue where to begin, click here to access the article and prepare for your interview!

By Paul Stanish
Paul Stanish Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center