Trick or Tip! Align Your Profiles to Impress! Part Three.

These past few weeks, we have been discussing aligning your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles with your resume, as well as giving general advice for each platform. Find the LinkedIn blog here and the Handshake blog here. For any of these platforms to work for you, rather than against you, you need to make sure that your strongest weapon is updated and ready-to-use: your resume. 

Your resume is an employer’s first glance at you, typically before they even look you up on LinkedIn or Handshake. It’s your first test, your first round of getting accepted or denied to a possible interview stage. It’s a little like a balance sheet of a company (let’s think back to GB112): it shows all of your crucial professional accomplishments at a certain point in time. A good resume is the first step to getting any job or internship, but how do we maximize the effect of your great resume with the use of your other profiles? We make sure to align them.

Let’s talk resumes!


Aligning your resume:

  • Make sure the timelines of your experiences match the same experiences listed in your LinkedIn and Handshake. Although you may have most, if not all, of your work experience listed in your LinkedIn and Handshake experience sections (as there’s really no limit), you need to choose the most relevant work experience to place onto your resume. Usually, this is recent experience, but not always.
  • If you have very full Handshake and LinkedIn profiles, make sure to not leave much empty space on your resume. It should always be one page, but if you’re active on Bentley’s campus and have several work experiences listed on your LinkedIn or Handshake, maximize your space to make a lasting impression. Fill it up!
  • Your personal information should not have any misalignment from that in your other profiles, as in your major/minor selection should be spot on even if you’ve adjusted it on different platforms or recently changed your major. Although it may seem very obvious to definitely edit your resume first, your education section (apart from GPA) usually does not change often.


General resume tips:

  • Read this blog here to improve your resume!

For more information on how resumes do and do not differ from LinkedIn, read this article here! Now that you have completed and aligned your resume with your LinkedIn and Handshake, you will become a much more attractive and consistent candidate to employers across all platforms!

By Alina Minkova
Alina Minkova Creative Blog Curator