TO DO: A Career Guide

Here is a comprehensive “Career To Do Checklist” of a bunch of items that you can do TODAY that will surely help elevate your career in one way or another. Not all of them are necessary to do right now but keep this list in the back of your pocket for a rainy day or when you need a little career confidence boost and want to start checking off a few more boxes.

  • Update your resume
  • Refresh your LinkedIn profile
  • Add a LinkedIn post of a recent accomplishment
  • Email a quick thank you to a mentor *BONUS – write a note to him or her*
  • Make a feedback action plan
  • Reflect on your accomplishments over the past month, 6 months, and year
  • Find a mentee to give your advice too
  • Reach out to a mentor or sounding board to seek advice
  • Pick up a career related book
  • Write out a list of short-term career goals
  • Plan a long-term career strategy
  • Listen to a career related podcast


And last but not least …..

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By Yasmeen Alwani
Yasmeen Alwani CareerEdge Content Creator