Be Thankful With Your Career

Take a pause. When is the last time you said thank you to someone for helping you with your career pursuits?

Take a minute this week to send a quick note letting individuals know that you are appreciative of their efforts and what they had as a role in your career to this point. It’s important to remind others that you recognize their investment in you and to relay that gratitude in an email or phone call or even in person. It’s not rocket science it really is just being reflective and spending and extra ten minutes one day to reach out to those important people.

Reflect and think – where are you now and how have others played a role in your current professional career. Now write a thoughtful note to recognize thier efforts and hit send! These little acts go a long way … trust me.

Best of luck and THANK YOU for reading this blog post.


By Yasmeen Alwani
Yasmeen Alwani CareerEdge Content Creator