How to Turn Your Internship into a Full-Time Job

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Internships are an excellent option for any college student or new graduate. They’re especially useful for those looking to break into a particularly competitive field or industry. Many of the top global firms offer internships to enthusiastic and ambitious individuals.

For those businesses, internships provide a great way to dip into and assess a deep talent pool. From an intern’s perspective, a good internship will, at the very least, add some experience to their CV.

In the best-case scenario, it may lead to a full-time job with the firm. What, though, can interns do to give themselves the best chance of landing that permanent role? The following are eight important yet straightforward pieces of advice.

Read on to find some tips on how to turn your next internship into a full-time job!

By Melissa J. Sawyer
Melissa J. Sawyer Senior Associate Director/Operations Manager, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center