30 Good Books to Read While on Summer Break

With the July 4th holiday upon us, summer is in full swing! While gaining internship experience is vital during the summer break, be sure to also take some time on weekends to get outside and enjoy the time off from classes and homework.

While outside at the beach, perhaps explore some recreational reading options- research has found that reading does in fact improve academic abilities. Students who spend more time reading have superior academic skills, and these skills help them achieve academic success.  The study also found that academic success is not the only thing benefiting from recreational reading. Those who spent more time reading for fun had a longer attention span. So next time you turn the TV on for entertainment, consider picking up one of the books listed in the link below. It’s a great way to value your summer.

Link to College Magazine’s 30 Inspiring Books All College Students Should Read: https://www.collegemagazine.com/10-inspiring-books-college-students-read/ 


By Jennifer Graham
Jennifer Graham Associate Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center