Good Luck on Finals & Have a Great Break!

Well Falcons, the Fall semester is coming to an end and as we prepare for finals week, everyone here at Undergraduate Career Services would like to wish you all good luck! We know the semester has been long and full of never-ending assignments and assessments, but you’re in the home stretch—keep it up!

No matter what class year you are, finals are daunting. The stress of having up to 5 tests all in the span of a couple of days is incredibly stressful! Not to mention the fact that they’re the only thing standing in the way between you and a month of holiday cheer, family and relaxing. However, don’t fret. Despite the procrastination that’s trying to persuade you to watch Netflix or go holiday shopping—you can do this! Make your to-do list, get out your note cards, turn on some music and just get to it! All it takes is a little more hard work and before you know it, you’ll be headed home!

As for winter break, we have a few suggestions for you! Among the relaxing and family fun, be sure to spend a little time on your career. Whether it’s working on your LinkedIn presence, reading blogs on CareerEdge, or simply brainstorming potential jobs to apply for—make sure you take some time to refine your goals and prepare for the upcoming semester! Before you head out for the semester, you may find it helpful to write down a few career-related goals that you can tackle over break.

For example, my list includes:

  • Enhancing my LinkedIn
  • Creating an online portfolio for my design work and blogs
  • Organizing some of my new blog initiatives for CareerEdge.

While winter break is a time for having fun at home, it’s also a good time to be a little productive!

Have a wonderful break Falcons, we will see you next year! Stay tuned for updated drop-in hours, new installations of current blog series, more of our events, as well as some our latest initiatives that will launch next semester, including:

  • Kristine Vidic’s new blog series: Talent Tuesday’s
  • Susan Brennan’s new blog series: The Career Curator
  • An all new video series: The Falcon Flash
  • More #CareerStoryMonday’s & #CareerToolThursday’s
  • New episodes of Hire Love
  • And much, much, more!

By Caroline Gervais
Caroline Gervais Student Director, CareerEdge & Event Planning Team