[Career Guide] How to Land Your Creative Engagement Dream Job

Do you plan on landing a rewarding role upon graduation? I have good news and bad news for you. The good news: this goal is 100% possible. The bad news: it takes work. Luckily, we in career services have lots of resources to make this as easy for you as possible including a detailed new Creative Engagement Career Guide. With some effort on your end and support on ours, YOU CAN DO THIS.

While some of the guide’s information will be relevant for all career searches, it is primarily directed towards students in the Creative Engagement career community looking for internships or jobs. The guide contains:

  • Step-by-step to do lists
  • Self-assessment resources
  • Examples of job titles/functional roles and what the positions actually mean
  • Resume, cover letter, and interview info
  • Steps to send messages to professionals for free on LinkedIn without needing to connect
  • Template for informational meeting outreach messages
  • And much more!

Feel free to skip around to the parts that are relevant for you – no need to read cover-to-cover. Remember, if you ever need any additional assistance, come to the career services office in LaCava 225 during drop-in hours or schedule an appointment for a one-on-one conversation about your specific career needs. As always, we want the best for you and are here to help.

Interested in downloading the full guide? Click here.

Are you a senior wondering about timing for your job search? Read this article: Senior MK/IDCC/CR/Media Students: Jobs Have Arrived!

Career Guide Cover

By Amanda Helfand
Amanda Helfand Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Career Services