Tip #2 from LinkedIn’s Student Job Hunting Handbook


Tip #2 from LinkedIn’s Student Job Hunting Handbook suggests using personality assessments to kick-start your career:

  • Take stock of Your Skills, Strengths & Desires
    • Dig deep and take stock of your skills, strengths, and desires. You can do this by taking the Strong Interest Inventory or the Myers-Briggs — both of which are offered at Bentley’s Career Services!
  • Uncover What Matters Most
    • Get a grasp on your unique personality which helps put your values into perspective. If you know your values, you will be able to find a company that will be a good fit for you.
  • Define What You Need to Learn
    • The biggest value in taking personality assessments is discovering knowledge gaps and areas of growth. This includes leadership of teamwork and of job seeking!
By Cassandra Layman
Cassandra Layman