NEW – UCS now running weekly “Just In Time” Career Toolkit Workshops!

You’ve taken CDI 101 so you know the basics, but now you’re a senior and have an awesome new internship, project, or leadership activity to add to your resume and you don’t have room. . . or you’re a junior and want to nail your next interview . . . or you’re a sophomore and don’t know anyone in your dream company and are in desperate need of an inside contact.

It’s safe to say that since your freshmen year, there have been workshops and events that have come and gone that address these and other issues but you may not have needed them at the time and when you did, you were left scrambling to get a quick appointment or attend drop in’s because they were long since over.

So UCS has the answer –  have it your way with workshops when you need them, just in time, with our new weekly Career Toolkit Workshop Series running throughout the fall.  Easy to get advice when you want it.

This special series has been designed to provide upperclassmen ADVANCED career toolkit development advice and instruction.  Instead of making an appointment with your career advisor to answer one-off questions as they come up, you can sign-up on BentleyLink for a spot at one of our regularly running workshops.  Each and every DAY there is a different workshop focusing on a specific concentration that you can attend and receive quality and professional advice from our fabulous UCS advisors without the need of an appointment.

Weekly workshop topics include:

  • Resumes that Mean Business! (advanced resume writing)
  • Finding Your Career Focus (self-assessment)
  • Cover Letters that Catch Attention (advanced cover letter writing)
  • Perks of Your Network
  • Interview Like a Pro (advanced interview prep)

September is SENIOR month so all you seniors have a few weeks to exclusively take advantage of these workshops.

These workshops will be open up to Juniors in October and Sophomores in November.

Each day the content is rotated so you’ll have the chance to make all the workshops and choose at your discretion what you need that week. Attend one once, attend many, attend all – whatever you need, whenever you need it, there’s a workshop for you!

career toolkit workshops


By Alyssa Hammond
Alyssa Hammond Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center