Say “Cheese”! ON CAMPUS Professional LinkedIn Headshot Photoshoot on 2/20

Does your LinkedIn head shot leave something to be desire?  Do you have the typical cinder block dorm room background (yuck!)? Or your prom picture? Or a really good selfie with someone’s arm cropped out?  Time to take action and have a great PROFESSIONAL head shot taken of yourself in your best suit all in the comfort of your own backyard.

The Bentley Consulting Group and Bentley Eco-Fi Society will be sponsoring a Professional LinkedIn Photoshoot in Smith 1 on 2/20 during the Bentley Business Bowl for any and all students who want or need a great head shot.

Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to make your professional fashion statement!

Photoshoot Event

By Alyssa Hammond
Alyssa Hammond Director, Undergraduate Career Development, Pulsifer Career Development Center