What Professional Conferences are Like


Going to specific conferences are a helpful way of understanding an industry that may peek your interest, and direct you to a job or company that you love. I had great luck with winning two tickets to 451 Marketing’s second annual DigiRevCon. The conference was about the digital revolution and how marketers have become essential in the changing environment. The conference was a great chance to see what different businesses have been doing to improve interactions with their consumers.

The speakers were from many different companies including; Boston Interactive, MAVRCK, Influence Central, Uber, 36 Creative, Boston Harbor Distillery, and Rue La La. They touched upon topics ranging from the Power of the Everyday Consumer to the Evolution of Branding. If the topics discussed in a conference interest you the day often goes by very quickly and you come out with knowledge that increases your value to an employer. Not only is a conference a great way to learn more about topics that interest you but, there is almost always a time allotted for networking. It is very important to take advantage of this time, especially as a younger individual. Those who have experience in any business often want to help others beginning their career. Especially in a conference environment these individuals are very willing to help you grow and learn.


By Olivia Prentiss
Olivia Prentiss