Interested in Retail or Consumer Packaged Goods?

Fantastic opportunity to be paired with a mentor in the Consumer Packaged Goods / Retail industry! See below. If interested, please send your completed application and resume to me at by this coming Sunday 9/20 at 11:59pm.



The Network of Executive Women (NEW) is now accepting four students from Bentley who would be interested in participating in a Mentor/Mentee relationship with a NEW Committee member.  The benefits to the student would be, but not limited to, the following:

  • Gain insights into the pros and cons of various career options and paths
  • Increase self-awareness and confidence
  • Expand their personal network
  • Support in transition of new role or location
  • Have a sounding board for testing ideas and plans
  • Receive positive and constructive feedback on professional and personal development opportunities

The program is focused on engaging undergraduates, preferably Juniors and Seniors, with professionals in the Consumer Packaged Goods / Retail industry, both in a one-on-one mentoring relationship, and in networking and professional development events regionally.  The criteria for a good mentee would be, but not limited to, the following:

  • Interested in a career in the Consumer Packaged Goods / Retail industry
  • Eager to learn and open-minded
  • Willing to accept feedback and take action against it
  • Communicates effectively and will actively participate in the mentoring process (e.g. ask questions, contacts mentor regularly, own the relationship, etc.)
  • Has a positive attitude and is excited about their career options

Please find attached application for this year’s Mentoring Program. Interested students should submit the attached Application and their resume to by September 20, 2015.

Important Dates for the program:

Application Deadline:  September 20th

Program Kick-off Event:  September 24th

Fall NEW Networking Event:  November 6th

Once students are selected and confirmed in the program, more details will be sent regarding these events.

By Amanda Helfand
Amanda Helfand Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Career Services